Jun 17, 2023Liked by Michele Morin

My small act of faith is to sit with a piece of paper and pen in a quiet spot, at least several mornings a week. First I strive to open myself as best I can to God's presence, then write whatever impressions from Him stir in my heart. This practice is in response to Ruth Haley Barton's book, Invitation to Solitude and Silence. Currently these moments last 10-20 minutes. Sometimes I begin to write almost immediately, sometimes I find myself waiting a bit, and a few times I've written nothing at all. I'm already sensing a difference throughout the day, as my thoughts seem to turn more readily to my Father when concerns, hurts, wonder, gratitude, etc. come to mind.

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Jul 21, 2023Liked by Michele Morin

Loved your photos from Alaska, and I am thrilled for you that your article on older women in the church was picked up, especially since I am one myself! But then again, I usually define "older women" as those ten years ahead of me. Not sure I can get away with that now that I'm 70 though! I'd love to read the print article itself - can you share a link or did I miss it?

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Jun 23, 2023Liked by Michele Morin

Thank you for the marinade recipe! We are fans of teriyaki and I'm never sure how to get the authentic taste. This looks very doable! ( ;

I am thrilled that your son has moved closer to home. What a gift and what cute grands!! You are blessed ( :

I am a chronic over-thinker so I appreciate your words here on just taking small steps of faith... and not having to get it perfect. I'm trusting that my imperfect efforts to pray for and stay connected to my grands will yield eternal fruit.

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Jun 18, 2023Liked by Michele Morin

Michele, I always enjoy your newsletter! I just copied your marinade recipe and plan to try it this week when we have overnight guests coming from Ca for several days. And I am thrilled for you that you will be visiting Alaska! That's one of the few states I've never had opportunity to visit. Also, how wonderful that your CO kids have moved to New England - so much closer. My small act of faith this past week was to engage a flight attendant in conversation when I flew to NJ. It was not a full flight and she had extra time to chat. I am mailing her a copy of my first book tomorrow - hoping it might plant a seed.

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Jun 17, 2023Liked by Michele Morin

“ Small acts of faith won’t save you, but they remind you that God is not standing still— and neither are you. Your faithfulness, whatever it looks like, is holding space for grace.” What a beautifully written point. Thank you, Michele! At the moment for me, it’s the small act of faith if resting more often instead of do, do, do!

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Hi Michele, I don’t remember ever signing up with you; but I know God sent you to me. I am married woman of 15 years 2 marriage with lots of children and The lord has really pressed it into my heart to teach u to pinger woman how to love their husbands and Love their children. I have been doing daily devotions on FB for a couple of years now. It has only been this past couple of weeks God has instructed me to go Live video and boy am I so inadequate. My husband and I have gone through a lot of sorrow and tribulations these past few short years. I know that all of that was not for nothing. I would love to write a book and go possibly be a guest speaker to some woman’s conference. Can you give me any tips . I live near Jacksonville Fl. Or do you know of a social media platform besides FB that I might could be of help to other woman. I too love to garden , still fairly new at it . But Love to make my house a Godly Home. In Christ Love Sandra Street

My email is sandrastreet46@ gmail.com

My phone number is 904-583-0630

I know you are a very busy woman but I need some direction. Thank You

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Michele Morin

I am teaching a class on how to teach. Investing in the future of my church family.

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Michele Morin

I'm a quiet follower and blessed by your writing. Thank you for encouraging my walk. Enjoy Alaska!


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Oh I love this! My small act of faith is not entirely small, it is stepping into the space I don't know.... If only I could share an image... The foundational Visual Bible for kids.

Inspired by my 6yo special needs child who later on got diagnosed with autism and ADHD ans she loved my KJV leather bound bible, but she didn't understand it but wanted to read the stories. We burned through those kids bibles, with usually a half a dozen "nice" stories so quickly.

So I wondered, I wish there was something longer for her, with more stories, something she could understand.

It lead me to thinking about a bible that was like her kids bible, but had more stories from the bible, rather than just the clean dozen or so most children's bibles encompass...

And I began to wonder, probably because there's gore in them, adultery, killings, banishment and a lot of treating people unfairly - we can't teach that to kids!

I am a fan of positive parenting, gentle parenting, and like being positive (as much as I can be) and some bible stories are punchy.

At church, working in kids ministry at the time, I heard some adults say (including myself) "I don't know that story" or "I don't know that story well"...

It pushed me. What if I could make a truthful bible story encompassing the truth, the love of God, morals and values in the Christian faith in a visual bible that's safe for young people like my daughter, with limited understanding could pick up and read?

I had already started writing social stories for my daughter, and created a nice little side business with that, focusing my social stories on the way things are done (not the way things are not done, as this was a strong point of confusion for my child... A story for another time)

And so I wondered - can I apply my talent to the bible?

So I tried. I did! It was good! My daughter LOVED it. Genesis was being created in a way my child could understand, even though she was 6 years old and two years mentally delayed...

She could see the story of Genesis, giving her a clear picture. Simple working and rejigging the gory, adult content to stay with the morals and values of Gods word, was happening.

I ended up completing Genesis and hit a big HOLD on Exodus. "Wait!!!" God put my steam breaks on. (Are they a thing, I'm picturing a steam train slamming it's breaks on!)...

I wish my images could be captured better... So I tried a few illustrators. Nope.... Nope... Nope.

My business coach (teaches where God fits into womens businesses!) said she had a friend, an illustrator friend. So I got her to pass on my details and we got chatting.

Then... Mind- blown - HE gets it!

He completely understood my vision, hes also a Christian & man, did God plant something in him! (The same passion, vision and dedication he planted in me, in him!)

My mind keeps getting blown everytime he sends me the next image he created, based on my Canva mock up images of very plain standard, he created wonder, beauty, character, simply.

He does what I do with words, but with illustrations! He makes a perfect pairing for this journey, and boy, he's easy to work with.

As of yesterday he completed the creation images, now just waiting for me to get a moment away from my five children and collaborate them into a file ready for others to be able to utilize.

And then... We're looking into getting printed. Genesis, chapter 1! We are both SO excited for this.

And it came from inside of me, well from God through me, through my experiences, my trauma as a single parent trying my best to understand my high needs child, battling for the way she learns and understands things... This is a fruit of that effort. Yesrs of effort and understanding, applied in faith, under God's watch and guidance.

To cap it off my 5th child is only 6 weeks old - and, despite the situation I am currently in, her name is Faith, and she is precious.

My last child, my next house, my same experience years later, with the birth of something new.

Life is messy, complex, difficult and blessed. I can't be in the mess I am in and not be thankful to God, He's doing such wonderful things in and through me, my illustrator and OUR work as a team & its going to be huge because God is our business partner. ❤️

What a journey and a step of faith, but it's flowed so seamlessly, almost effortlessly (his yolk is easy and his burdens are light) and in faith, in my business, he was my first business partner, and the journey has just been so surreal so far. A bit of effort with amazing, and mind-blowing results, beyond my imagination that is for sure...

My story, so far, of faith. ❤️ Thanks for posting and helping me reflect. X

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Thank you for this writing about the second commandment. We can never fully comprehend the majesty and beauty of God. I appreciate that He is a jealous God- this shows me His passion for us to be in relationship with Him in the right way.

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