A Belated Happy Mother's Day
Mothering with an outward focus; a list of 25 recommended podcasts (and WHY I make time for them in my life!)
Since the third Thursday in May comes AFTER Mother’s Day, I’m going to ignore the calendar and celebrate with you anyway! I love talking about mothering, and some of my happiest mothering memories are set in a blue mini-van on the open road as our family traveled cross-country for five weeks back in the summer of 2010. With very few distractions, our time together was focused on the beauty around us and the many sights we all shared for the first time.
Setting up the tent each evening, we tried to shave seconds off our previous record set-up time. Campsites with a pool AND a laundry facility got bonus points. We found that if we fully stretched our arms, our whole family could connect around a giant redwood tree. Side by side, we marveled at wonders both natural and manmade: Niagara Falls and Mount Rushmore; Old Faithful and the Space Needle. Our shared focus was outward, and the world was huge and gorgeous.
Maybe that outward focus is the winning strategy for all of us in fulfilling our wish for a Happy Mother’s Day—or simply happy mothering every day. Disappointment could loom large when all the Hallmark movies and cheesy commercials urge mums to expect great things from their offspring and devoted husbands. This is the day that’s supposed to make all the sacrifices of the preceding 364 days “worth it,” right?
Realism lands hard in the month of May.
My retroactive Mother’s Day wish for you is the gift of an outward focus. Find a way to show honor and appreciation to a woman who is pouring herself into the lives of others. If your own mum has passed away, adopt someone for the day. Shower attention and love on the woman who mothers your grandchildren and puts up with your son every day. Call a friend who has made the world richer just because she’s in your life — and tell her so!
“Generous persons will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.” Proverbs 11:25 (CEB)
Wishing you a whole lot of refreshment, but don’t wait until the next Mother’s Day to celebrate being a mum!
And what’s YOUR favorite mothering memory? Do share it with us in the comments!
Yesterday, I shared a post listing my favorite podcasts including links, brief descriptions, and why in the world I make time to listen to each of them. Simply click on the button to access the list:
What are some of YOUR favorites? Please share in the comments!
Speaking Schedule
A big welcome to new subscribers who found their way here via my most recent speaking engagements. On May 4th I received the gift of a beautiful day with the women of South Hope Community Church, and what a blessing to focus on the topic of Steadfast Faith for Our Wilderness Journey. Then on May 11th, the Saturday before Mother’s Day, I joined the women of Owl’s Head Baptist for a beautiful brunch and encouragement to become warriors of hope in a culture of despair. (And wasn’t their invitation just lovely?)
Art and Joy of Words 2024
I (who have never attended a writer’s conference before!) will share some thoughts at the Art and Joy of Words on June 29. I’ll be talking about my experience of engaging with an audience through my speaking events and online devotional writing. I’m looking forward to a Saturday of meeting with and learning from other writers here in Maine!
Thanks for persevering to the end of the letter!
Feel free to forward the letter to a friend who might love the conversation and resources!
And thank you for being the kind of reader who wants to become a confident Christ follower and student of God's Word. I’m with you in this lifelong project called sanctification!
Holding You in the Light,
That trip across country with your boys must have been QUITE the adventure, Michele! One special memory for us occurred one Christmas morning over brunch with our three teenagers. No extended family happened to be present. My husband asked our children what God had done for them that year. Our oldest said God had helped him be more focused and motivated at school. Our daughter said God had helped her have better self-esteem and feel happier after a summer mission trip. Our youngest said he was thankful to be going to a good school. It was a sweet time of family togetherness and celebrating God's impact in our children's lives. (I'm so thankful this is recorded in my notebook-journal, so I can refresh my memory on the details!)
What precious memories, Michele! And I’m glad you are sharing your love for Christ and writing with others. I’m confident the listeners were (or will be) encouraged!